Are You Ready For National Caregiver Month?

With fall just around the corner, you may have begun preparing for National Caregiver Month. This November, you can be prepared to celebrate all the individuals in your life who provide in home care for their loved ones. Or, maybe you are providing care for somebody in your family. This guide will give you some tips for celebrating the occasion.

Offer Support

Many caregivers lack social and physical support. Many caregivers are unable to accept an invitation to go out to dinner or to see a movie because they need to be at home to take care of somebody else. Part of providing support in the upcoming month means providing helpful resources that allow you to provide respite for somebody who needs it.

In some cases, simply listening provides solace for individuals who often feel they have nobody to turn to. Talking about caregiving and other events going on in their life can be a helpful way to show your support.

Provide Specific Solutions

All too many times, people say, "Let me know if there is anything I can do for you." The truth is that many caregivers are not comfortable asking for help or feel that this is a vague offer. Instead of using this statement, provide a specific solution. Offer something like, "I'm going to the grocery store. What can I get you?" or, "Here's a gift card for the movie theater. When can we pick up Mom?"

Introduce a New Hobby

Caregivers often spend so much time focusing on others that they miss out on having the opportunity to take part in activities for themselves. New hobbies, like painting, writing, or crocheting, can significantly impact a caregiver's self-esteem, happiness, and feelings of isolation for the better.

Enjoy Family Activities

Sometimes, simply spending time with those you care about is helpful. Spend time with a caregiver in your life doing something with the entire family at home. Many caregivers feel left out because they do not have the opportunity to go out and enjoy activities.

Give Time to Shop

With winter holidays in the near future, many caregivers may not have ample time to shop for gifts and decorations. If you can provide physical care and respite (or arrange for a local facility to assist), allow your loved one to shop without worry.

Celebrate National Caregiver Month

This fall, celebrate those who go out of their way to care for individuals who need it most. Make sure to carve out some time for those who may need a little extra help.  
