What Happens In Behavior Therapy For Children With ADHD?

If your child has been recently diagnosed with ADHD, you may have turned to behavior therapy as a way to manage your child's symptoms. But what exactly is behavior therapy, and how can it help your child?

Behavior therapy is a type of treatment that focuses on changing specific behaviors. In the case of children with ADHD, behavior therapy may involve teaching them specific skills to help them focus. These are some skills your child may work on in each session.

Improve Positive Behaviors

One goal of behavior therapy is to help your child learn how to increase positive behaviors and decrease negative behaviors. For example, your child may be taught how to take a break when they feel overwhelmed instead of acting out.

Build Self-Esteem

One additional goal of behavior therapy is to help your child build self-esteem. This may be done through positive reinforcement, such as praise or awards, when your child exhibits positive behavior. Your child will develop more confidence.

Limit Disruptive Behaviors

In behavior therapy, your child will also learn how to limit disruptive behaviors. For example, they may be taught how to ask for help instead of acting out in the middle of class. This can help your child avoid getting in trouble in class as well.

Improve Communication Skills

Behavior therapy can also help your child improve communication skills. This may involve teaching your child how to express their needs in a positive way. This can help reduce conflict at home and in school. It also helps your child become a better advocate for himself or herself.

Understand Needs and Emotions

In therapy, your child will learn how to understand his or her needs and emotions. This can help your child better regulate his or her emotions. It can also help your child understand why certain behaviors may be triggers for negative emotions.

Develop Coping Skills

Another goal of behavior therapy is to help your child develop coping skills. This may involve teaching your child how to deal with frustration in a constructive way. For example, your child may be taught to take a few deep breaths or to walk away from the situation.

Learn More About ADHD Treatment For Children

Behavior therapy can be an effective treatment for children with ADHD. It can help them learn skills to manage their symptoms and build self-esteem. If you're considering behavior therapy for your child, talk to a child's doctor about what to expect.

Reach out to a pediatric care center such as Mante Pediatrics to find out more.
